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I remember when Mr B and I first started going out a few years ago, spending Sundays together were important to me (He has been working Sundays almost his entire working life so he doesn’t know Sunday from Thursday). Anyway that was the one day we both weren’t working and get to spend time together. Since then, he has changed his jobs twice and his hours (and days) are irregular, most of the time anyway. I’ve come to accept the fact that public holidays and weekends are no more sacred days I look forward to. In fact, I’ve lost track of public holidays for the past year or so until someone else reminded me.

Now, I’m glad I work from home and my flexible hours allows me to spend our off days together. It’s his only day off in a week and I know he wants to sleep in and do nothing else. I try to be understanding and accommodating. However, I do go all crazy on him once in a while. It’s only human nature, I suppose.

This is his third working Sunday in a row. Somehow living together makes me feel like I see him less than when we lived apart. I look forward to our Nov trip so we could spend time together without worrying about work commitments. 77 more days to go…. I can’t wait.

I’ve seen Helen Dardik‘s work before and wondered why I haven’t blog about it. Her design has such a whimsical, childlike quality to it which I just can’t get enough of. Imagine a skirt or even pajamas made from those patterns… I’d buy them in a heartbeat. How can anyone not feel happy looking at her illustrations?

Helen Dardik

Helen Dardik

It’s been raining everyday. That means having to take an umbrella with me when I go out and I hate that. I also don’t like getting my shoes/bottom part of my legs wet. I wish I own a smart little invention called Shuella, short for shoe umbrella and it is basically a boot that goes OVER whatever shoes you may be wearing. Including heels!



After an upsetting morning dealing with incompetent/rude people at the doctor’s/shops/bus berth, I needed something to cheer me up and came across……….. flavoured toothpaste! Just like the ones I had when I was a kid except this one is for adults. Check out Breath Palette from Japan. I want! I want!

See? It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy.

Breath Palette Toothpaste

“Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache” – Mae West.

Happy Anniversary Mr B! Thank you for the lovely breakfast surprise.

p.s. This picture has nothing to do with our anniversary.

If you have 5 minutes to spare, this is fun.

The other day, Mr B’s colleague came up to him with a card in hand and asked if it was his. Mr B took a look and it says “Pantone Process Black U”.

I couldn’t stop laughing when he told me. I guess the cat’s out of the bag now that Mr B’s name has been revealed and we know he is urm….uncoated.

Pantone Process Black Uncoated

Pantone Process Black Uncoated

I love popsicles. It’s the perfect all day treat – from a hot morning to a breezy evening – what’s not to love? We have been making our own sour plum popsicles for the last couple of months.

Can’t be bothered making your own? Go here and drool.

Homemade Sour Plum Pop

Homemade Sour Plum Pop

A few days ago, I completed my little critters for Maad, with two and a half weeks to spare. Yay! These little critters will have a base to stand on (not in pic). There will be birds, bears, rabbits and other felt crafts for sale so if you live in Singapore and love handmade crafts, swing by the Pilot*Prefix booth on the first weekend of Sept.

One gentleman bird

One gentleman bird

For someone who doesn’t have a kitchen, I sure love watching cooking shows and browsing cookware. This is interesting.

Food Loop

Food Loop


August 2008


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