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Cute products for the home from e-my.

What a wonderful idea for a children’s room – the P’kolino Safari Collection’s elephant wall easel. Made of fiber board and coated with a wood veneer, it is both colourful and fun.

This German Military Surplus Utensil Set is excellent to bring along to your next camping trip. Made from aluminium, the design is used from actual German military applications and conveniently locks together for easy packing.

Strikingly simple in form, the Revolution Collection by Felicia Ferrone is handcrafted in the Czech Republic by master glassblowers, and formed from a pure extrusion of hand-blown borosilicate glass. This material provides a high degree of thermal resistance for a range of hot and cold applications, and is oven, microwave, freezer, and dishwasher safe. When in use, the contents of these pieces appear to float, seeming to defy gravity and visually suspend their contents, be it water, wine, champagne, gelato, or soup.

Ceramic vegetable seed marker…from here. These will not fade from being in the rain.

The aim of this project by Sanjin Halilovic is to make sure the modular system performs as a multifunction unit and when separated, can be used as a shelf, a table, a chair or a couch. The set is made of wooden plaques which are jointed and are additionally fixed with drvofix (special glue for wood). The elements are painted with water-based acrylic matte paint.

Brussels Herbs is a series of herb pots designed for Dutch pottery firm Elho for an easy and fun way to grow and use fresh herbs in the kitchen or on the dining table. Each pot contains a pair of multi-blade scissors that was specifically designed for cutting herbs in small pieces to add flavour to a meal. A double version is also available to provide room for two different kitchen herbs in one pot.

A reinterpreted design of the classic fishbowl, evoking the feel of a mountain range from Aruliden.

I’ve always had a fear of magnetic knife racks, just in case they slipped and fall on my toes. I still do but can’t help admiring this beautiful rack made from reclaimed cypress from uusi.

A unique bike concept by Juri Zaech in a series called Write a Bike where the bicycle frames are created in form of elegant inscriptions of names of their owners. This looks beautiful but I was wondering where the bicycle chain and pedals would go?


September 2011


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