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Sawa Tanaka‘s series of screenprints on rice paper using only food such as cream, flour, fruit juice and food colouring.


Sawa Tanaka's Edible Prints

Sawa Tanaka's Edible Prints

While we are on the topic of food, Mr B & I went to Tippling Club last night, right after he proposed! We spent some 4 hours eating 17 courses and sipping 17 cocktails/wines; it was definitely an interesting way to celebrate our engagement. Happy weekend everyone!

Christian Faur

Christian Faur

I was awestruck by Christian Faur’s Crayon Series where crayons are composed to produce photo realistic images. Don’t forget to read up on Color Alphabet, where he talks about how he assigned one colour for every letter of the alphabet.




These polyethylene and polyester “Express Your Mood” vases by Niels van Eijk and Miriam van der Lubbe were originally commissoned by The Flower Council of Holland for a flower show last year. Called Bloom My Buddy, it contains 3 separate reservoir for water so you can be sure your flowers stay fresh longer. Dress it up as a girl or a boy – how very creative.


Bloom My Buddy

Bloom My Buddy

I’m all for not killing animals and putting them on a wooden plaque. These faux taxidermy collectibles are hand made from felt. From Girl Savage.



If you prefer to make your own but can’t be bothered sewing, Dorm Decor, the magazine that offers simple projects to spiff up drab dorm rooms (or any other room for that matter) has these cool faux buck template. Get them here.

Dorm Decor

Dorm Decor

Here it is! My two cents worth on Shaun Tan’s Tales from Outer Suburbia. There is really no short summary for this book but if you’ve ever had an out-of-the-box imagination, this is for you. I’ve decided not to reveal too much of the stories so that readers could experience the quirkiness of the book for themselves. Certain stories may resonate with some of us while others just seem like someone else’s strange dream.

I am enthralled by Tan’s story-telling skills and his amazing illustrations. Each of the 15 short stories brings the reader to a different environment, usually somewhere in suburbia. Although this is classified as a children’s book, the writing is rather profound, surreal, cryptic and even thought provoking which I find more suited for adults, not to mention some of the topics are of the rather sophisticated and sensitive kind and might be a little perplexing for kids.

Tan uses a different media (although undeniably and consistently his style) to suit the mood and theme of each story. For example, in Distant Rain, the story is told using a collage of torn paper containing discarded words of poetry. It remains one of my favourites alongside Grandpa’s Story (about love and commitment) and Wake (about revenge).

Each of the stories have a different feel to them; some are charming, poignant and funny while others are simply baffling, so much so that I’ve to read the book a few times over. I also found myself tracing my fingers over the sketchbook-like illustrations on the endpapers, as if they seem to contribute to the stories as well. Look carefully and you might spot a figure from his other book, The Lost Thing.

The key to reading this book is not to rush. Slowly take in each story and ponder about the moral behind. I hope anyone who has read this enjoyed it as much as I have. If you would like to share your views, drop me a comment.

Tales from Outer Suburbia

Contents Page from Tales from Outer Suburbia

French based Ethnic Garden carries ethical value-added games, toys and accessories for kids and babies made by various designers. I like the beautiful bibs, which after 1-2 years can be buried in the garden and become compost waste.



I like Elsie Marley’s plush diggers. She uses a mix of vintage and new fabrics for these oh-so-cute plushies!

Elsie Marley's diggers

Elsie Marley's diggers

I also adore the pattern on these kids’ messenger bags. Adults could use it as an over-the-shoulder bag. Available at her Etsy shop.


Keeping with the theme of machinery, our friends’ 2 year old toddler who is very much into toy cars and equipment, would definitely appreciate this little construction cutlery. Available from The Flying Peas.

Construction Cutlery from The Flying Peas

Construction Cutlery from The Flying Peas

When it comes to form and functionality, nothing beats the clean simple lines of Swedish design. These indoor and outdoor homewares from Sagaform are lovely.



For fans of Shaun Tan, yes, I have finally bought Tales from Outer Suburbia but will be slowly savouring each story for the next few days. Watch this space for my thoughts on the book next week.

Slice™ by designer Karim Rashid is a range of chic looking tools ranging from a safety cutter to a grater, with ceramic blades called zirconium oxide, which is the second most durable substance next to diamonds. They don’t rust and makes it safer for clumsy people like me. Best of all, their most expensive item is only US$14.99. I am sold!



Jill Bliss is an artist/illustrator/crafter who draws awesome nature-inspired designs and make them into wallets, jewellery, cozies and a whole range of other products.

Jill Bliss

Jill Bliss


February 2009


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