I will be taking a mini hiatus from this blog for the next few months as I settle into my biggest project to date – motherhood. It’s been a long time coming for Mr B and I and we can’t wait to meet the lil’ guy (yes, it’s a boy!).

I hope you will bear with me as I make this transition and I promise to return with more things to share on all things design.

I leave you with this gorgeous make-up palette by Christopher Roussel for Mother’s Day. Opening like a pen, the pencil and brush are made entirely out of chocolate, the lipstick is white chocolate, the cream tube is filled with light chocolate soy milk spread and eye shadows are divided into crunchy praline . The box serves as candy slip of delicate sweets chocolates (ganache, fruit or spices, chocolates, milk chocolate or dark). Beats a regular box of chocolates any day.

Toys for children, made out of leather. How cool are these two doggies?

Ever since Mr B and I broke a couple of our plates at home (butter fingers!), we have been on the lookout for new ones. I’m quite specific about what I like but I think these from West Elm will do nicely. They are pretty, not too big and are porcelain.


Would you believe this is a ruler? Each ring on the wooden pattern actually corresponds to a centimetre.

Cleaning the floor is a regular routine at home or at closing time in a restaurant. Typically, the cleaner will turn the chair upside down and put it on the table in order to clean the floor below. Enter the Hold Chair by Poh Liang Hock. It has been designed to overcome this situation and is suitable for any dining room. Its plastic seat and back can slide up the backrest frame to separate from it. The chair can then be slid onto the table and cantilevered by its plastic seat. The chair’s feet are not handled and any attached dirt will fall to the floor rather than onto the table.

Furniture combining of cast aluminium and wood whereby the negative factor of burnt wood is transformed into aesthetic and emotional value. Designed by Hilla Shamia.

Feed Me from Connect Design is a iPhone case which doubles as a storage compartment for your money, earphones or credit cards.

For some reason, these really appeals to me. These little sculptures by ilovegreyskies is a little creepy but oh so cute! Happy weekend everyone.

This little minimalist Servus clothes rack caught my eye – not only does it look great, you could drape your jacket, hat or scarf over the top and your other smaller accessories can be stored in the leather bag. Two frames can be combined to make more space and the cross section can be used for hangers.


The Spherovelo is a revolutionary new bike aimed at children from around a year old up to 2 and a half. The stabilizing balls keep it steady for first learners, it’s fun and maneuverable and will turn in any direction. The clever thing happens though when you remove the little stabilizers – it becomes unstable and the child then utilises their developing motor skills to balance themselves and keep it upright.


May 2024


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